Reduce the rodent population around your property. Our strategic techniques provide instant results with long-term effects. Call (858) 240-4351 today to set up a FREE ESTIMATE for your rodent control service.
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Twitter: Rats & mice are invading homes this time of year. Get your solution to a rodent-free home today. Call Pro Pacific! #RodentControlSolutions

Thinning Out Rodents Around Your Home

The rats or mice in your home are only a small percentage of the total rodent population in your neighborhood. The more rats surrounding your property – the greater the risk of an infestation!

Our reduction service provides bait stations that thin out the surrounding rodents to relieve the pressure on your home. You significantly reduce the risk of future infestations.

Bait Station Service Program

A rodent reduction service consists of placing bait stations on the exterior of your property. The placement and number of stations is optimized depending on the size of the population.

The bait stations are serviced monthly to refill with fresh bait and ensure your protection is maximized. And a thorough inspection is done with each visit to stop rodent problems before they begin.

Signs Of Rodents Near Your Home

Rats and mice will usually create paths between feeding and harborage areas. Here are signs that indicate your home is surrounded by rodents.

  • Runways – Heavily traveled paths are created from going to and from food sources
  • Rub Marks – Rodents leave grease marks on objects along their runway
  • Dead Rodents – Pets often capture rodents traveling through yards
  • Disturbed Pets – Dogs will bark when rodents travel across power lines or other areas inaccessible to your pet

Reduce Rodents & The Cost To Reduce Them

Receive 25% off your bait station installation when you schedule today!

25% off bait stations

Rodent Proofing

Combine your rodent reduction service with a rodent proofing to receive a lifetime guarantee. This will create a powerful defensive rodent control plan. Live without rodents for good!

Visit the Rodent Proofing page for more information or call (858) 240-4351 for assistance.

Sanitation Clean-Up

Restore the clean and refreshing feeling in your home. The waste and odors left behind from a rodent infestation can quickly lure other rodents back into your home. Start your sanitation service today!

Visit the Sanitation Clean-Up page for more information or call (858) 240-4351 for assistance.

Rodent Reduction (858) 240-4351