Haunted Houses & Spooky Activity Caused By Pests

Ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, or people fascinated by the supernatural would love to pin a definitive culprit to the spine-chilling events in haunted buildings. But with minimal proof of lurking spirits being the reason for the terrifying events, a more substantial explanation should be accepted: Pests!

A thriving pest population on your property can make your home easily resemble a haunted house. And bugs and rodents are the best at hiding so they can’t be seen – just like ghosts. Their unnoticed behavior can easily be translated into a false haunting.

Here are some occurrences that may seem like paranormal activity but are really pests making your home feel eerie this Halloween:

Disappearing Food On The Counter – It can be strange leaving some perishables on the counter and the next morning they have vanished. This mysterious happening can be attributed to rodents.These furry creatures are nocturnal. Most of their activity is done at night while you’re sleeping. If you are hearing scurrying in your attic or objects falling over, the culprit is probably a rat or mouse. So, don’t be alarmed if fruit you left out on the table is gone – blame it on the rat!

Blood Spots On Your Bed Sheets – Nothing is more spookier than waking up to find small blood spots on your bed sheets. But before heading for the hills, there is a logical explanation for this finding. The most common cause of this type of occurrence is bed bugs. Blood spots can be created on your mattress from rolling over bloated bed bugs in your sleep. This rapidly reproducing insect is creepy by itself.  But an overlooked bed bug infestation can be even creepier. So, you don’t have to contribute this shocking find to vampires. To identify these blood-sucking pests, inspect bed seams or around the tags on your mattress.

Cobwebs In Every Corner Of Your Home – If you didn’t set up any Halloween decorations, then you have the real deal. Spiders are active around the Halloween season and they could be making their home in yours. These dual-fanged arachnids hide in the dark corners of your home. And while they don’t cause much commotion, the webs they spin definitely insinuate a haunted house appearance. Plus, what can cause more of a cringe than walking directly into a spider web. Dual bite marks and ghoulish webs are most likely caused by a spider infestation, unless you have up your seasonal decor.

Bacteria Lurking In Every Crevice – Although you may not be able to see it with the naked eye, it still does exist – creepy, huh? Bacteria is all around us, but cockroaches seem to spread it around like wildfire. The diseases and filth that a roach can possess will intimidate even the most vile zombie. A roach can probably spread around harmful bacteria faster than any other living (or dead) creature. Stop the zombie apocalypse by eliminating roaches from your home.

Noises In Your Attic– Have you ever awoke to scurrying or high-pitched squeals coming from your attic? While this seems like almost a guarantee that your place is haunted, again there is an easy explanation to all the ruckus. Bats, opossums, raccoons, or rodents of all types can be attributed to the disturbance from above. Although this doesn’t leave you at ease, we can now definitely rule out paranormal activity. If you are squeamish, a pest management professional can help “exorcise” the problem. Bat, often compared to vampires and Dracula, these flying rodents have a laundry list of myths stated about them. Although, bats do hang upside down and some feed on blood, it is unnatural for a bat to attack a human. However, bats can roost in your attic and are nocturnal mammals like rodents so any commotion you hear at night can be bat, rodent, or wildlife activity.

Hopefully this article provides some explanation and relief for the disturbing things going on in your home. Maintaining a pest-free home will not only reduce the scare factor in your home but create a healthy environment.

Cora Gomez

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