Bird Exclusion

Birds are beautiful creatures, but they can cause messy property damage and costly headaches for property owners. Flocks of pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and seagulls can leave large deposits of bird droppings, which can stain and seriously damage paint, concrete, and other building surfaces. Bird nests built on roofs or under roof eaves can be unsightly, messy, and spread diseases such as encephalitis, histoplasmosis, Newcastle Disease, and salmonellosis to humans and pets.

If pigeons, starlings, seagulls, or other birds are damaging your property and causing you problems, call Pro Pacific Pest Control at 888-755-BUGS today for proven methods to get rid of birds and keep them away forever.

Are Your Birds Nesting of Loafing?

Bird problems can be broken down into two categories: Birds who are nesting and birds who are loafing. Nesting birds have a roof over their head, they have laid eggs there, sleep there, and generally stay there around the clock. When dealing with nesting birds, physical exclusion such as netting to keep the birds out of the area is the best option.

With loafing birds, who just sort of hang out in an area because there is a food supply nearby but are not nesting there, deterrent devices such as spikes, wiring, and sticky gels to make it uncomfortable for the birds to gather in the area work best. Your Pro Pacific pest control technician can evaluate your bird situation and advise on which method would be best.

Bird Exclusion Products

In most cases, controlling birds means erecting barriers to humanely keep them from landing, nesting, and gathering in certain areas. Pro Pacific Pest Control uses a variety of bird exclusion products, including:

  • Netting
  • Bird Spikes and Wires
  • Electrified Strips
  • Bird Slope

Contact Pro Pacific Pest Control Today!

Contact Pro Pacific Pest Control today by calling 888-755-BUGS or by completing and submitting the form on this webpage to schedule a free, no-obligation inspection and estimate of your bird exclusion job!