
Identifying Common Spiders in California and Which Ones You Should Avoid

California is home to a wide variety of spider species. Some are venomous; others are completely harmless. But one thing is for sure—these spiders are quite common bugs found at home and can be a nuisance.

Spiders love the hotter weather. In California, the spider season runs from December to January, but you may notice a significant increase in their visibility by the end of May to June in Southern California. Spider webs and egg sacks are the first signs to look out for their presence.
If you are wondering which ones are the most common spiders in California and how to identify them, here’s an in-depth illustration of these spiders and which ones to avoid:

1. Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are generally common in California, and they are the most poisonous of all spiders in North America. They are easily identifiable by their shiny black body with a red hourglass shape on the underside of the abdomen.

Although they rarely kill humans, getting bitten by a black widow spider can pose extreme discomfort. If bitten by a black widow spider, you may experience painful swelling around the bite. Its venom has a chemical called alpha-latroxin which causes intense pain, muscle spasms, cramps, sweating, chills, and stomach ache. The symptoms may worsen for up to about 12 hours after the bite. After that time frame, the symptoms should start to die down.

As much as possible, you want to avoid black widow spiders. If found, use caution and call your pest control professional to handle the situation.

2. Brown Widow Spider

Another common spider in California is the brown widow spider, which can be recognized by its light to dark brown body with mottling of tan and brown with black accent marking and an orange hourglass shape on the underside of the abdomen. The mature females typically have a dorsal abdominal stripe and three diagonal stripes on each flank.

The venom of the brown widow spider is as strong as the black widow, but it does not inject very much venom. The symptoms of brown widow bites are similar to black widow bites, causing an immediate, sharp, stinging sensation around the bite area.

Brown widow spiders are known to be shy, so they often stay away from humans. If you encounter one, use caution or better yet call a pest control professional.

3. Cellar Spider

Often mistaken for daddy long legs for their length, the cellar spider is identifiable for its long, thin legs and small body. They are very common on every continent except for Antarctica. In California homes, you can easily see them in dark, damp places such as basements and crawlspaces.

Cellar spiders are generally harmless. However, their large webs can be hard to remove, making them a nuisance.

4. Wolf Spider

Large, hairy, and has a pair of prominent eyes—the wolf spider is found throughout California. It’s named as such because of its wolflike habit of chasing and pouncing on its prey. Often found on the ground, the wolf spider can be found in different areas such as forests, deserts, and gardens.

Wolf spider does not pose a serious danger to people. They do have venom, but they are not poisonous. However, some people might be allergic to its venom. Since the wolf spider is large, its bite can be very painful. For bites that cause mild pain, swelling, or itchiness around the bite, the pain should not last long.

If you see a wolf spider inside your house, relocate them outside. There’s nothing to worry about as it is generally harmless.

5. Tarantula

Tarantulas are large, hairy, and stock spiders. They are considered the biggest spiders, so they can look terrifying to some people. Tarantulas are usually found in a variety of habitats, including deserts, mountains, and forests. In California, you can find them pretty much anywhere.

All tarantula species have venom, which they use for hunting prey. They don’t usually bite unless they are threatened. When a person gets bitten, tarantulas often just give a dry bite, meaning they don’t inject venom.

Although they are usually not aggressive, it’s best to leave them alone.

How to Get Rid of Spiders at Home

It’s best to be proactive when it comes to spiders. Before invading your home or showing signs of their presence, you can do a couple of things to make sure you’re keeping out the different types of spiders in California homes. Here are some important things to do:

Clean up seldom-used areas

House spiders love dark and undisturbed spaces, all the more giving you more reasons to make sure rarely-used areas get cleaned regularly. These include windows, storage areas, basements, attics, sheds, ceilings, and every other unused corner of your home.

Remove places where spiders may hide and build webs

Spiders can easily build dwellings pretty much anywhere. Boxes on the floor? Leaf litter? You name it. Spiders can take up residence near the structure if anything that doesn’t move. So, get rid of these things before spiders start building cobwebs there.

Close gaps and other points of entry

When there are cracks and other openings, spiders are one step away from entering your home. To prevent spiders from coming indoors, seal any gaps you can see, especially around windows and doors. Good screening not only prevents spiders from entering your home but also keeps out the insects they prey on.

Call a Pest Control Professional

The presence of spider webs, spider egg sacs, and spiders themselves are all common signs that your home has been infested. Having spiders around your house isn’t entirely bad. However, they become a nuisance when multiplying and inviting more insects into your home. Even if you get rid of spiders and cobwebs now, note that spiders are the kind of pests that keep returning if you don’t treat your home properly.

The best way to ensure complete spider protection is by reaching out to spider experts from Pro Pacific Pest Control. We will help you eliminate your spider problem for good with our spider control treatments.

To learn how our Spider Control and Treatment Service can help keep your home safe, don’t hesitate to contact us at 800-901-1102

Cora Gomez

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