Bees, a huge contributor to the pollination of our crops, can be a real nuisance if they nest on your home. Not only does their honeycomb nest create other pest problems but their defensive nature and stinging ability pose a threat to humans.

A One-Time Pest Control Service is recommended for bees.


Most Common Bee in S. California:
European Honeybee (Apis mellifera)

Other Types of Bees in S. California:
Africanized Honeybee, Carpenter Bee

Active Seasons: Spring & Summer

Entry Methods:

A honeybee can squeeze through a crack or hole on your home about a 1/8 inch.

Nest Locations:

Honeybees will nest within trees, voids, chimneys, attics, and underneath eaves.


A bee’s diet consists of pollen and nectar.

Prevention Tips:

Recommended Service:

One-Time Pest Control Service

Questions? Please call the number below.
