The old wives tale of these insects burrowing in human ears has some truth. An earwig does burrow in dark, hidden areas to avoid being noticed. Their threat to households lies mainly in gardens and landscaping since their diet consists of flowers, leaves, and other plant material.

A Bi-Monthly Pest Control Plan is recommended for all earwig infestations.


Most Common Earwig in S. California:
European Earwig (Forficula auricularia Linnaeus)

Other Types of Earwigs in S. California:
Black Earwig (Chelisochidae)

Active Seasons: Spring, Summer, & Fall

Entry Methods:

Earwigs generally don’t invade homes but may wander through cracks or openings on windows or doors.

Nest Locations:

Ideal nesting locations include under leaf litter, ground coverings, or in tree holes.


Feeding consists of plants, decomposing plant materials, and other insects.

Prevention Tips:

Recommended Service:

Bi-Monthly Pest Control Plan

Questions? Please call the number below.
