The nuisance aspect of spiders is not so much in the number that they gather but more with the unsightly cobwebs and ferocious bites they produce. Although spiders offer the benefit of feeding on other nuisance pests, why not choose our effective pest control service that removes all pests, including spiders.

A Bi-Monthly Pest Control Plan is recommended for all spider infestations.


Most Common Spider in S. California:
Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)

Other Spider Infestations in S. California:
Brown Widow, Desert Recluse, Cellar Spiders

Active Seasons: Year Round

Entry Methods:

Spiders will enter your home through cracks in undisturbed, quiet areas.

Nest Locations:

Dark, secluded areas like ceiling corners, garages, storage areas, and underneath eaves are ideal locations.


Some spiders use their web to catch prey while others actively hunt for insects.

Prevention Tips:

Recommended Service:

Bi-Monthly Pest Control Plan

Questions? Please call the number below.
