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Keep Summer Bugs Away!

As temperatures rise, so does the pest population! Ants start getting busy invading outdoor BBQs and picnics, Mosquitoes start buzzing around ears, and flies start to infiltrate our leftovers!

We’ve got some quick tips to help YOU keep the pests at bay during your summer days!

  1. Warmer, wetter weather can lead to influxes of mosquito swarms. Eliminating standing pools of water will eliminate breeding areas for mosquitoes and help keep those annoying visitors from making their presence overwhelming. Common places where standing water can accumulate include beneath piping, close to air-conditioning units, and even in the water-bowl beneath your potted plants!
  2. Cockroaches also LOVE dark, damp places, so be sure to keep all areas below your sinks / tubs / etc as dry as possible! Be sure to check near where pipes enter / exit the home (especially if you have a musty basement).
  3. Wasps and bees like to set up shop pretty much ANYWHERE! Try to fill voids (wall voids, eaves, and porch ceilings, etc) when possible. Dispose of dried or hollowed-out tree stumps.
  4. Ants can set up shop in practically any environment, but they’re more apt to move in if they have abundant food sources. Scattered crumbs and leftovers, open trash containers and rotting wood or pieces of litter can make your yard seem like PRIME REAL ESTATE for a colony of ants to move in!

Of course, even the best laid plans can go awry, and pests can pop up in even the most diligent home! For these occasions, the best solution is a quick call to your friendly neighborhood pest control operator! With a variety of services designed to fit your need and budget (be it ants, roaches, rodents or bees) Pro Pacific Pest Control ready to answer your call!



Cora Gomez

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